
Z Key - Accept        X Key - Decline/Back

Arrow Keys for menu navigation.
You can hold the Z button instead of spamming it.

Unlike most idle games, this game is intended to be completed in about ~8 hours, much less with active play.

This game autosaves once every 15 seconds, or when you purchase something. Manual saving can also be done from the pause menu, which can be accessed via the Enter key or clicking the pause icon on the right side of the player.

PICO-8 cartridge

Offline / Local Installation instructions for those with PICO-8:

1 - Right click the image above and save the image as a png file.

2 - Save or move the file to a directory accessible by PICO-8.

You can use the "folder" command to open the folder PICO-8 is currently looking in, then drag the downloaded file in there.

3 - Use the following command at the terminal: "run filename.png" , where filename is whatever the cartridge image is saved as. This should run the cartridge. 

You can also use the commands "load filename.png" and then "save filename.png" , again replacing the filename, to generate a regular .p8 file to dig around in.

Updated 16 hours ago
Published 23 days ago
Made withPICO-8
TagsClicker, Idle, PICO-8, Pixel Art, Short
Average sessionA few hours


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oh this is neat! I haven't finished playing yet, but I'm definitely going to snag your cartridge and dig around in your code >:)

game  wont let me do anything after the first text box pops up saying here is a special seed

This game uses the Z and X buttons for input instead of the spacebar or clicking. If pressing the Z button didn't work to advance the text, how are you playing the game? I haven't tested this on mobile, and I doubt it will work there. It's working for me in Firefox and Chrome.


you shuold probably mention that in the description  then that it needs Z  and X controls 

hell you should make it playable with the mouse